(78) She Recycles Vintage Toilet Tanks into Planters!

One nifty and thrifty reader creates beauty from even the most unexpected places.  She writes:

“We do lots of things, like have a garden, a compost, recycle, and also like to do artsy things out of “other things”.  For example, I managed to get about 20 vintage toilet tanks in pastel colors, and used them to make planters!”

6 thoughts on “(78) She Recycles Vintage Toilet Tanks into Planters!

  1. What a clever idea! Looks like these would make terrific planters, nice and deep too. Love the colors for in the garden. I’ll be adding this idea to my container objects for sure!

  2. That is SOOOOOOO smart! Once the plants are in them, it’s almost impossible to tell what they are! A new planter of that size would easily cost $100.

    Now, of course, I’m going to be known as “that lady in the neighborhood who picks up used toilets off the curb . . . . “

  3. i live in the country and have a old toilet bowl(the whole thing)that i was going to use and my hubby said it was a little too redneck but this is perfect! thank you…now i can use both parts separately and they look great!

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